Regulation changes
Following the RFU Council meeting on Friday 11 June, we would like to make CBs and Clubs aware of two key regulation changes that will come into effect for the 2021/2022 season
Following the RFU Council meeting on Friday 11 June, we would like to make CBs and Clubs aware of two key regulation changes that will come into effect for the 2021/2022 season
we remain in discussion with government around permission for us to move to the next stage on our rugby roadmap – Stage E1.
This week we saw the move to Stage D2, which now means contact fixtures with adapted laws can be played
Competitions Structure group recommendations for a new competition structure for the adult male game
from Level 3 down, for implementation from the 2022/23 season
In case you missed it, the survey below has been sent to players, coaches, officials and volunteers at CBs and clubs (Level 3 and below), asking for their views on the County Championship competition
Recommendation to pause community rugby between 3pm-4pm on Saturday 17 April, RUWSF Asset Improvement Loans, Return to Play off-field guidance, Rugby’s back! Press releases & summer activity
We are preparing for the competitive season to start as expected in September 2021
Return to Play – Off-field changes from Monday 12 April, Return to Play – Rugby, RFU Age Grade Summer Activity Framework, County Championship Review
Proposals have now been finalised which seek to address the principles below
Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund update, Return to Rugby On and off-field guidance, Training Courses including First Aid, Age grade activity.