Update from Bill Sweeney
Actions that have been agreed to offer a support package directly funded from the RFU worth £7m to provide support for community clubs in England.
Actions that have been agreed to offer a support package directly funded from the RFU worth £7m to provide support for community clubs in England.
The RFU continues to work on a range of options to support clubs at this challenging time and aims to outline these in more detail by mid-April
On the last weekend before all Rugby activity was cancelled saw another milestone for Stone RUFC
The allocations will be based primarily on the cumulative total of a club’s 15-a-side matches for the 2018/19 and 2019/20 seasons
Staffordshire RU has just completed a headcase promotion campaign. Thank you to all clubs promoting and supporting this campaign within their Clubs
Please see the LINK below to the 2020 Staffordshire Clubs Survey.
Sport England’s new emergency flood relief fund
The payment of players declaration is due to be submitted between Sunday 1 March and Tuesday 30 June 2020
NatWest RugbyForce 2020 has now launched
Uttoxeter RFC require a Physiotherapist to assist for both Home & Away Match days and One Training session each week.
Immediate Start.