Promotion & Relegation
We are beginning to field a number of questions about Promotion and Relegation.
Unfortunately until the season has finished we cannot confirm who is being promoted or relegated because it all depends on what happens initially in the National Leagues and also then the Regional leagues.
I can let you know the following:
A group consisting of representatives from each of the Organising Committees will start the process after Saturday 5th April for Regional 2 leagues and also individual Regions will be starting the process for the Counties leagues. National and Regional 1 Leagues cannot be confirmed until the conclusion of the National League programme currently scheduled for Saturday 26th April.
Obviously for Clubs in Counties leagues, who are promoted and relegated depends on which clubs are relegated from above. Added to this we also are doing a process called Managed Inclusion. This is to enable Clubs (Ist XV ‘s and Club lower XV’s) who are not in the league structure at the moment to enter the league at the right level for that team. This can also mean that some teams at Counties 1 and below may also be relegated to enable these better teams to play at the right level rather than put them in a league where they will be far too strong for the other teams in that league.
For example: One team is promoted out of a Counties 1 league with one team coming down into that league from above. Plus one team is ‘Managed included’ into that league plus with two teams coming up from the league below, which will mean the bottom 3 teams will be relegated.
We will attempt to make sure that all Clubs do the minimum amount of travelling but in some areas that is easier said than done, because of the distances between Clubs at that level.
Clubs will be advised which league they will be competing in next season as soon as possible, but until then clubs cannot make any assumptions.
The relevant regulations are attached for information.
Men’s Leagues Pre-Season Briefing Document 2024-25
Relegation from Counties 1 and below Leagues
Kind regards
Honorary Secretary of RFU Midlands ROC
Honorary Secretary of Staffordshire Rugby Union