Applications for entry into RFU Leagues (New Teams)

Please find attached details regarding entering teams into the RFU Leagues (English Clubs Rugby Union Championship; ECRUC) next season in 2025-2026. Though it is aimed at Lower XV’s it is the same for 1st XV’s that are not in the league structure at this moment.

The window for applications opens on 6th November 2024 and closes on 22nd November 2024

If they wish to enter we will need a letter of application from the Club on Club headed paper this can be emailed to the MROC Honorary Secretary. We will  need a list of the results (minimum of 15) for that team from last season and contact details for Officers in the Clubs (Form attached).


Also please note you will need a supporting letter from your CB – your CB representative on the Midlands Regional Organisation Committee (MROC) is John Atkin  and he can advise you as appropriate.

  1. Applications to join the RFU Leagues – emailed to or sent to address below.

1.1         An application from a club XV (1st or lower) wishing to join the RFU Leagues (English Clubs Rugby Union Championship; ECRUC) should be made by email by two senior club officers (e.g. Chair and Secretary) as               verifiable by GMS. This can be two separate emails or an email from one officer to another with the latter’s confirmation added. A further email from the Chair of the Club’s Constituent Body (CB) supporting the               application should also be supplied. The application should be forwarded to the relevant MROC CB representative before December 1st of the season preceding the one when the XV wishes to join the leagues.

1.2         The club will need to be able to prove that it can fulfil a full league programme of games, by supplying its fixtures list and results of the season preceding the season in which it would like to join the leagues, and  that the club has the organisation in place to make sure that all the RFU Regulations and MRAI are followed implicitly, and by supplying the full contact details of the Club Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary and EMC Administrator.


Club contact data collection sheet

FCS Lower XV Entry – FAQs

FCS – Lower XV Team Entry Criteria 2025-26


Kind regards


Honorary Secretary of RFU Midlands ROC

Honorary Secretary of Staffordshire Rugby Union


R. J. Websdale

22 Cardington Close


Newcastle under Lyme

Staffordshire ST5 3LJ