Longton RUFC
Address of Ground
Trentham Fields,
Eastern Rise,
Sir Stanley Matthews Way,
Trentham Lakes, Stoke-on-Trent,
Staffs ST4 8GR
Club Playing Colours
Black and amber
3 Senior, 7 Junior
1st XV: Counties 1 Mids West – North
2nd XV: Counties 4 Mids West-North
President: Steve Tams
M: 07592 736505 E: s.tams@btinternet.com
Chair: Doug Finney
M: 07801711186 E: dcfinney@btinternet.com
Hon Secretary: Jeremy Moss
M: 07872 612057
E: jezmoss@btinternet.com
Hon Treasurer: Janet Clay
M: 07876 107496
E: clayjanet@hotmail.com
Fixture Secretary: Cameron Lacey
M: 07967 637296
E: cameron.lacey1@btinternet.com
Referee’s Liaison: Simon Redford
M: 07859051117 E: Fester084@gmail.com
Club Coaching Co-ordinator: Zoe Adderley
M: 07951920770
E: zoeadderley@gmail.com
Junior Rugby Section Contact: Lindsay Mitchell
T: 07572280166
E: lindsay@xpertrecuritmentltd.co.uk