Gift Aid opportunities for RFU CASCs and charities

Clubs registered with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) as Community Amateur Sports Clubs (see here for link to RFU CASC section) or charities can benefit from significant cash rebates under gift aid. HMRC will pay the club an extra 25p for every £1 donated by individual taxpayers where there are no, or only small, benefits given in return. The many opportunities for using gift aid include a Patron’s scheme which can generate an extra 25% on individual donations for improving facilities such as building a new clubhouse.

Members, friends and supporters can be invited to make donations and be recognised as Patrons of The X RFC Building Fund. The Patron gets nothing of significant value in return but has an acknowledgement of the donation, say, by having his or her name inscribed as a Patron on a board displayed in the clubhouse. Gift aid has been used to get tax rebates of as much as £50,000 towards funding building projects. The RFU can provide a referral to an expert for advice on CASCs.

If your club is looking for help and advice on CASCs, whether you are considering registering or looking to make better use of available tax advantages like gift aid, please contact Dave Stubley – Club Management and Volunteer Manager for a telephone referral or phone 07736722387