Burton Rugby Football Club Ltd
Address of Ground
Peel Croft
Lichfield Street
DE14 3RH
Club Playing Colours
Shirt: white with black diagonal band over right shoulder
Shorts: white
Socks: black with white tops
3 Senior
1 Vets
1 Colts
Burton 1st XV:
Burton A XV:
Burton Development XV:
President: Ian Cartwright
T: 01283 548 619
E: ianw5cartwright@gmail.com
Chair: Colin Grimsdell
M: 07771 661730 E: colingrimsdell@hotmail.com
Hon Secretary: Claire Bradley
M: 07983 071 982
E: secretary@burtonrugbyclub.co.uk
Hon Treasurer: Martyn Evans
M: 07866 411 300
E: treasurer@burtonrugbyclub.co.uk
Fixture Secretary: Craig Dutton
M: 07443 432868
E: dutts1@sky.com
Referee’s Liaison: Craig Dutton (as above)
Club Coaching Co-ordinator: Pete Bunting
M: 07920 83 4111
E: petejbunting@yahoo.co.uk
Junior Rugby Section Contact: Richard Williams
M: 07775 701951
E: richwrugby@icloud.com
Ladies Team Contact: Richard Williams
M: 07775 701 951
E: richwrugby@icloud.com