Thanks to you and all of our club volunteers across the country, we have now reached over 165,000 registered age grade players!

Registering all club age grade players each season is an important regulation. It means we have a clear record of children and young people playing in our clubs for our safeguarding responsibilities as a sport and we are able to measure growth and put our support where it is most needed across our playing population.

We can see that there are clubs with age grade players out there who are yet to register; particularly in the girls game. A reminder that if your age grade players are not registered within 45 days of the start of their playing season, your club is operating outside the regulations. All new players still have a 6-week opportunity to try out rugby before they commit to registering, but all those players who started in September and October must now be registered.

Please check your dashboard to approve any pending registrations and follow up with parents on any players still to be registered. We need your support to complete any outstanding registrations!